Hae Jyväskylän yliopiston liikuntatieteiden kansainvälisiin maisteriohjelmiin
Jyväskylän yliopiston liikuntatieteellisessä tiedekunnassa käynnistyy 19.11. haku kaksivuotisiin kansainvälisiin maisteriohjelmiin.MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN BIOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, at the Department of Biology of Physical Activity, offers three possible fields of specialisation: biomechanics, exercise physiology or the science of sport coaching and fitness testing. Programme graduates are qualified to work at sport and fitness centres and academies, research institutes, medical rehabilitation centres, sports organizations, wellness companies etc.Application deadline: 15 February 2013Further information: www.jyu.fi/sport/en/study/programmes/bpa/ MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN SPORT MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH PROMOTION (SpoSMaPro) at the Department of Sport Sciences prepares students to enter the workplace with a valuable insight into the prevalent needs of the sport, health and leisure cultures of today. The key issues to be addressed in the programme are: public, private and civic sector activities within the areas of sport management and health promotion, globalisation and locality of sport and health issues, together with leisure, tourism and environment.Application deadline: 15 February 2013Further information: www.jyu.fi/sposmapro MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (SEPPRO), at the Department of Sport Sciences, consists of multidisciplinary studies, which will equip students with knowledge and competencies from both exercise and sport contexts. The issues encompassed in the studies include, for example, motivation, performance enhancement and group dynamics. The programme graduates will be employed in private and public sectors as, for example, psychological health and well-being experts, performance enhancement consultants, coaches or academic researchers.Application deadline: 15 February 2013Further information: www.jyu.fi/sport/seppro EUROPEAN MASTERS IN SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY (EMSEP) is organised by four leading European universities in the field of sport and exercise psychology: the University of Jyväskylä, Finland; the University of Leipzig, Germany; the University of Thessaly, Greece, and Lund University, Sweden. The network universities offer a joint curriculum for the students, as they will study in at least two universities during the programme. The students will benefit from teaching by renowned experts of the field and are awarded a double degree after successful completion of their studies. Scholarships are also available for best applicants.Application deadline: 19 December 2012Further information: www.jyu.fi/sport/emsep Pääsyvaatimukset ja hakuohjeet löytyvät ohjelmien internetsivuilta. |